Assessing the efficiency of AI Generation against traditional image search 1
Getty Images intends to offer a service to allow customers to generate visuals with AI. The area of AI generation in the Creatives workflow is evolving fast. The goal was to understand how efficient AI generation is relative to traditional image search on a stock photography website.

Online Store 2.0: Launching a New Theme Architecture for Developers 2
In order for merchants to enjoy Online Store 2.0, we needed ecosystem developers to make some changes. We needed theme developers to build JSON templates into their themes. App developers needed to update their apps with theme app extensions. Raising awareness of Online Store 2.0 with agencies was also important.

Information Architecture for Shopify’s Analytics Dashboard 3
The overview dashboard is the landing page of Analytics. Over a million merchants access it every day. Despite its visibility and a changing user base, it hasn't had an update in 3 years. From June - August 2020 I led the research through the 'think' and 'explore' phases of this capstone project.

Supporting the Digitization of the Betting Shop Display (BSD) 4
Racing Post is a daily print and online newspaper publishing data, opinions and analysis on horse racing and other sports. My research supported the growing b2b division to help them exploit their unique position and define the future of betting shops.

Supporting the carers of patients with Autonomic Dysreflexia 5
Autonomic Dysreflexia is a complex condition caused by T6 spinal injury. My team designed an application to help carers observe trends towards Autonomic Dysreflexia.